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  1. What is the crack and welcome back to another video in this video ill be playing Fallout Shelter on the Xbox One ive been playing this game so much the last few days and im loving it to pieces i.
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Make this crack all the way across the end of the log, as in Fig. Put two wedges in the end of the log, as in the diagram, and drive them until the wood begins to split and crack along the sides of the log; then follow up this crack with other wedges, as shown at D and E, until the log is split in half. LINK FOR EDITOR:guys welcome to my channel! If you have any question, leave a comment down below, make sure you. According to NPD, overall deals declined 15% during the height of the COVID-19 shelter-at-home and dine-in restrictions (March through May), although two deal types increased volumes compared to.

Safe, discrete, and inexpensive

You can build a professional engineer certified underground bomb shelter for an in the ground cost that is thousands of dollars less than a prefabricated steel bunker.

Your shelter is your business. No need to bring in a crew with a crane to hoist it up for your neighbors to see.

We supply all of the critical components like the engineered trusses, the blast hatch, and the NBC air filtration system. The heavy (and expensive to ship) blocks and concrete are purchased locally. Or, instead of laying blocks, you can form up and pour solid concrete walls and then cap them with our engineered steel truss ceiling kit.

This is a 14 x 50 foot shelter kit
700 square feet inside

All the space you need in your bomb shelter

These kits go up to 14 feet wide – much wider that the narrow prefabricated shelters that are constrained by maximum shipping widths.

You can easily extend the length of our standard shelters by ordering additional trusses. Contact our sales department to get a quotation for your shelter kit!

Steel beam reinforcement

What sets this system apart is the integrated design and manufacture process that decreases the cost and build time while increasing the strength and features. The engineered wide flange steel beam trusses allow you to pour the concrete ceiling without erecting temporary cribbing. The steel trusses stay embedded in the concrete, giving additional strength over and above what rebar normally provides.

Certified blast load rating

The trusses and the rebar are what give this bomb shelter its certified blast load rating of 2,980 pounds per square foot (20.7 PSI). This is a professional engineers certificate of the true blast load rating. The weight of the ceiling, the backfill, and even a vehicle parked on top were added in before the blast load was calculated.


We have yet to find any other bomb shelter that comes with a blast load certification. When you go into your shelter you are in a man-made underground void with thousands of pounds of earth right over your head and the possibility of a much greater dynamic load during a nearby detonation. Somebody should have done a little math to ensure your safety – we have.

Comprehensive installation manual

Every step to build this bomb shelter is outlined the manual so you can pre-plan to have your materials, equipment, and skilled labor onsite when you need them.

Having a detailed manual also greatly simplifies the quotation process if you are hiring a contractor to build your shelter.

Why steel reinforced concrete is best


There’s a reason why all known government bomb shelters are made from steel reinforced concrete. Steel and concrete work well together.

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Steel is expensive, concrete is cheap – together they are affordable
Steel has high tensile strength, concrete has high compression strength
Steel can be cut with a torch, concrete can take the heat
Steel takes a shop full of tooling to form, concrete is easily formed in the field

We supply all of the critical steel elements for this underground bomb shelter kit – brackets, fasteners, trusses, rebar, ventilation pipes, and the electrical, water, and septic penetrations.

Equipped with the best air filtration system

Each shelter kit comes with a Safe Cell NBC air filtration system that includes:

  1. One 60 CFM Safe Cell with a full bank of filters
  2. One backup hand crank
  3. Two 7 bar blast valves
  4. One overpressure valve
  5. One automatic ventilation system

The Safe Cell is the only NBC air filtration system with a built in battery backup capability. There are thousands of them in use now, including many notable installations.

Shelter Build 1 – Series 400

A series of pictures showing an extended length bomb shelter being built. It’s 14 x 50 feet on the inside and has has many optional items: a blast door, three blast hatches, an external generator room, and an escape tunnel.

Shelter Build 2 – Series 400

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A series of pictures showing a 14 x 20 foot bomb shelter kit being built. This one has an optional blast door.

Shelter Build 3 – Series 100

A series of pictures showing an 8 foot, 8 inch by 20 foot bomb shelter kit being built. Another one with an optional blast door.

Putting it all together

This is the riser hatch on the riser trusses with the rebar in the background.

This is the riser truss pair. This pair of trusses are welded together and form a pallet for the rest of the trusses to be shipped on. Note the “tunnel” that the riser sits on is a form. The concrete is poured all around it and the riser hatch is mounted on top.

In the background is a truss showing the holes we punch for the rebar as well as the two small holes for the form board bracket in the end of the truss.

This is the pre-cut and formed rebar. It is cut, formed, counted, labeled, bundled, and tagged.

This is the single leaf blast door that was shipped with this kit.

This is the riser hatch. It is an older style without the internal cam latch. All hatches we build now have a cam latch that draws the blast lid down onto the frame, compressing the seal.

The emergency escape jack has not been installed. The two ears on the right side of the blast lid accept the top end of this three ton jack.

Note the deadbolt lock mounted on the blast lid right above the pull handle, the EPDM seal around the top lip and the wide angle viewer ports on each side, just below the top lip.

For more information on our hatches, see the flat blast hatch and the riser blast hatch pages.

These are the ventilation pipes. One air intake, one air outflow, and one septic drain ventilation pipe. All ventilation pipes need a blast valve to protect the occupants from a nearby detonation.

Also shown are the angle brackets, the form board brackets, the deadbolt cap for the riser blast hatch, the electrical, water, and septic penetrations as well as the bottom struts for the ladder.

These are the ventilation pipes strapped to the blast door for shipping.

These are the trusses and ladder banded on top of the riser truss pair for shipping. The rebar is banded to the top of this and everything is loaded onto a flatbed truck. The bands can be sequentially cut and the items off loaded individually.
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Here is the riser blast hatch and the trusses on the flatbed truck.

Prices, availability, and ordering

There are four standard sizes of shelter kits:

Series 400 (14′ wide x 20′ long) – $24,500, plus shipping
Series 300 (12′ wide x 20′ long) – $22,500, plus shipping
Series 200 (10′ wide x 20′ long) – $20,500, plus shipping
Series 100 (8′-8″ wide x 20′ long) – $18,500, plus shipping

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Each standard kit includes:

Seven steel trusses with all the brackets and fasteners
All the cut and formed rebar for the floors, walls, and ceiling
A riser blast hatch
A 60 CFM blast protected NBC air filtration system
Two 72″ steel ventilation pipes
Ceiling penetrations for electrical, water, and septic

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The 14 x 50 foot shelter kit. Note that this length is not in the manual. We highly recommend a 24″ x 24″ perimeter footer be incorporated into the floor slab to strengthen the foundation over this longer length:

Series 400 (14′ wide x 50′ long) – $36,500, plus shipping
All standard items listed above are included, except:
There will be 19 trusses instead of 7
Rebar is not included with this price

Special order item: we usually need four weeks of build time. You arrange a 50% deposit at time order, we build the part, you arrange payment for the balance due, and we ship it right out. See our policy page for the full set of terms.

To have a shelter kit like this show up at your house, please contact our sales department.

Comprehension passages are sure shot scoring questions. We are given a passage and some questions that follow the passage. The questions are to be answered by using the data given in the passage, even if it differs from real life facts.
Example :
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow :
Mike and Morris lived in the same village. While Morris owned the largest jewelry shop in the village, Mike was a poor farmer. Both had large families with many sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren. One fine day, Mike, tired of not being able to feed his family, decided to leave the village and move to the city where he was certain to earn enough to feed everyone. Along with his family, he left the village for the city. At night, they stopped under a large tree. There was a stream running nearby where they could freshen up themselves. He told his sons to clear the area below the tree, he told his wife to fetch water and he instructed his daughters-in-law to make up the fire and started cutting wood from the tree himself. They didn’t know that in the branches of the tree, there was a thief hiding. He watched as Mike’s family worked together and also noticed that they had nothing to cook. Mike’s wife also thought the same and asked her husband ” Everything is ready but what shall we eat?”. Mike raised his hands to heaven and said ” Don’t worry. He is watching all of this from above. He will help us.”
The thief got worried as he had seen that the family was large and worked well together. Taking advantage of the fact that they did not know he was hiding in the branches, he decided to make a quick escape. He climbed down safely when they were not looking and ran for his life. But, he left behind the bundle of stolen jewels and money which dropped into Mike’s lap. Mike opened it and jumped with joy when he saw the contents. The family gathered all their belongings and returned to the village. There was great excitement when they told everyone how they got rich.
Morris thought that the tree was miraculous and this was a nice and quick way to earn some money. He ordered his family to pack some clothes and they set off as if on a journey. They also stopped under the same tree and Morris started commanding everyone as Mike had done. But no one in his family was willing to obey his orders. Being a rich family, they were used to having servants all around. So, the one who went to the river to fetch water enjoyed a nice bath. The one who went to get wood for fire went off to sleep. Morris’s wife said ” Everything is ready but what shall we eat ?” Morris raised his hands and said, ” Don’t worry. He is watching all of this from above. He will help us.”
As soon as he finished saying, the thief jumped down from the tree with a knife in hand. Seeing him, everyone started running around to save their lives. The thief stole everything they had and Morris and his family had to return to the village empty handed, having lost all their valuables that they had taken with them.
Question 1 : Why did Mike and his family decide to rest under the thief’s tree ?
A) Being a large family, they knew that they could easily defeat the thief
B) It was a convenient spot for taking a halt at night
C) There was a stream nearby and wood enough to build a house
D) That was the only large tree that could shelter their large family
Solution : B) It was a convenient spot for taking a halt at night
A is incorrect as they didn’t know that a thief was hiding on the tree.
C is incorrect as nothing has been mentioned in the passage about the amount of wood
D is incorrect as nothing has been mentioned about the number of trees.
Question 2 : Which of the following best describes Morris ?
A) He was a rich businessman
B) He bullied his wife
C) He paid his servants well
D) He was greedy and imitated Mike
Solution : D) He was greedy and imitated Mike
Question 3 : What did Mike mean when he said “He is watching all this from above”?
A) He had spotted the thief and wanted to scare him
B) He was telling his wife to have faith in god
C) It was just a warning for his family members to stick together
D) He was begging the thief to help his family
Solution : B) He was telling his wife to have faith in god
Question 4 : Why did the thief return to the tree?
A) To wait for Mike to return
B) To set up a trap
C) To wait for Morris’s family
D) Not mentioned in the passage
Solution : D) Not mentioned in the passage
Question 5 : How did the fellow villagers react to Mike getting rich overnight?
A) They were jealous of him
B) They were very excited
C) They followed his example
D) They envied him
Solution : B) They were very excited
This article has been contributed by Nishant Arora
Please write comments if you have any doubts related to the topic discussed above, or if you are facing difficulty in any question or if you would like to discuss a question other than those mentioned above.
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above

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