Hurtworld For Mac


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Hey Hurtworlders! Couple of things I’ve been working on over the past week.

Ambience and Music

I’ve been setting up the infrastructure to do more complex ambient sounds, as well as some music tracks. We’ve got at least 2 ambient tracks per biome, one for day and one for night.
This meant a bit of refactoring of how we create the soundscapes of Hurtworld. What seems on the surface like a pretty easy thing gets complicated fast once you start digging a bit. For instance – it starts raining, which makes noise. You can just overlay the rain over the ambient sound, but this ends up being a bit of a cacophony. Optimally, as the rain gets louder, we want the ambient sounds to get quieter. We’ve got a finite amount of volume to give to all ambient sounds, and we need to figure out a way to share it out.
So, the new architecture gives ambient sounds three options – Greedy, Normalize, or Overlay. Overlay is the simplest – this doesn’t care how loud other sounds are, and other sounds don’t care how loud it is. We use this for things like the irradiated effect. Normalize means that the sound should try and fill whatever volume it can, but it should never reduce the volume of any other sound. This would be all ambient background tracks. Finally, Greedy would be the rain, which consumes whatever volume it wants and leaves the Normalized sounds to fight over the scraps.

I’ve also been adding in some music tracks, which will play randomly every so often. Don’t worry, there’s a volume slider if you’d rather blast some death metal while spearing nakeds. All in all, these new sounds add a lot of atmosphere and ambiance to Hurtworld.


Hurtworlders love to break stuff – which is great! We’ve come a long way in fixing exploits since release, and we owe that to the community for finding and reporting these. Remember that time you could double-jump by opening your inventory? The series of events that made that possible in our code was… pretty mind-boggling, and we may have never found out about it without your help.

It turns out that there’s one scenario that creates exploits a lot, and that’s whenever you transport the player. This happens a lot in vehicles.

So, a simple scenario. You’re on a goat, and you decide to get off. This is basically a teleport – you just kinda poof off the goat, and appear somewhere else. But where do you appear? It’s a simple problem when your surroundings are simple – say, you’re just on a flat surface. Just appear next to the goat, problem solved. As your surroundings get not complicated though – say, a bunch of rocks, buildings, etc. – there’s a lot of trickiness introduced, and it’s difficult to always answer that question properly. When it gets it wrong – say, teleporting you halfway into an object – that’s when exploits happen.

I’ve been making this system a lot more robust so this can’t happen. This means, however, that there are some situations where there is no good answer to where you should exit. Say, if you’re completely surrounded by walls. There’s nowhere to go, so what do you do? Easy, right? You just tell the player that they can’t get out. Problem solved! But wait – there are situations where the player has to get out of the vehicle. When you disconnect, or the vehicle is destroyed for some reason, you must exit, because its nonsensical not to. Really, the only solution to this is to kill the player when they end up in that kind of scenario. And I mean really, if you’re trapped that bad, you’re probably going to have to suicide anyway. The moral of the story is – don’t disconnect when you’re in a vehicle.

We’ve also had some reports about sneaky people getting under the terrain! Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to check for this and just kill the player.


This week I put the finishing touches on the Map SDK which is now live. This isn’t much use without a tutorial on how to use it, so I’ve been also recording my first dev videos and uploading them to YouTube. Definitely not my forte but I’m sure they will get you started on using our toolset.

Getting the SDK

The SDK is downloaded through Steam under the Tools section of your library. I am currently working with Valve to ensure everything shows up as it should, if you can’t see it now give it a couple of days.

To use the SDK you need to first download Unity 5.3.2 P4. Scourgebringer - soundtrack download for mac windows 7. To build maps you need to make sure you tick the Windows, Linux and Mac Standalone support in the installer (not enabled by default).

Usage beyond that can be found in this video series:

YouTube / Hurtworld – via Iframely

The focus on these videos was not to tie up too much of my time editing and rendering, so excuse the roughness. The final part of the quick guide is rendering now and will be added to this playlist tomorrow. I have a new found respect for youtube / streamer fam as I now see how much work it is to plan record, edit, render and upload a video to YouTube!

Infamy Stuff

Going through all the infamy stuff this week was pretty time consuming, I appreciate everyone’s input on the discussion. I feel that writing it out in a blog was useful for myself to lay out the next steps to take with fixing the problems.

I have a pretty clear idea of what approach we need to take, some things pretty drastic, I am keen to get back to working on it as soon as we get the engine upgrades and current patch cycle released.

Server Perf

I’ve seen a few posts about server performance getting pretty shitty on the infini wipe servers. This was expected at some point, we are now 26 days into the wipe schedule, far longer than ever before. There is obviously some areas we need to look at to ensure perpetual servers are sustainable, we will be looking at that this week.

When’s the Patch?

There won’t be a patch this Friday as there are still a lot of things that need testing. The patch won’t require a wipe when it hits, so I will aim for mid next week.


We are big fans of the Skoogler, so I did an extra skin, making a version that gives it a more dirtied up, slightly diseased look. Such a filthy Skoog.

I have now moved on to a new creature, who is sort of a monkey/bat hybrid. Hopefully they will have fast movement and a decent sized leap, allowing them to both chase down players and also attack via leap/harassment. We want to make the critter something that players will think twice about engaging. Potentially making it nocturnal giving it it increased stats or perception etc during the night………….I also think some sort of Howler Monkey esq sounds as they chase players down might be cool.

We’ve been pumping out creatures while we still have our creature animator full time. That role will hopefully be transitioning into a programmer so we can through the bottleneck of game mechanics work.


Not much from me this week. After spending some time in official servers over the last few weeks I have been hanging out in community servers this week meeting players and making contact with server admins. During this time I have been amazed at the creativity and community surrounding the servers I have visited. I have seen events ranging from deathmatches to dodge ball, taken part in a purge and have seen player structures varying from castles to pyramids. It is always great to see the different ways players are having fun in game.

On the other side of the server list I have been monitoring official servers. Last weekend full loot servers went infini wipe leaving 14 day servers as the only servers with scheduled wipes. The next scheduled wipe for these servers is at the end of the week and there won’t be any changes to wipe schedules or server numbers as part of this.

As always I’ll be in and out of servers so if you see me in game feel free to say hi!


Destruction is my name this week. These individual rubble pieces make up the bulk of the rubble. By making a few detailed bits at the start I can then stick them together in a variety of ways to form unique looking piles.

I made 3 Normal mapped blobs of geo after to stick the individual pieces into. I think 3 piles will give a good variety which I can then smoosh together and scatter around to create more individual shapes.

These have turned out quite well. I will be breaking more of the city moving forward.

This is a list of console commands that can be used. F1 is the default key to bring up the console. Commands can also be executed with `rcon` and autoexec.cfg

  • 2Server Commands
  • 3CVARS

Client Commands[edit | edit source]

These are commands that all clients, regardless of permissions, can execute.

connect<ip>Connect to a server at a specified IP, with the default port (12871)connect
connect<ip>:<port>Connect to a server at a specified IP, with the specified portconnect
itemlistList all items and their codesitemlist
killUSE WITH CAUTION. Commit suicide.kill
timeDumps the time of day.
deleteprefsThis will delete all stored preferences.

Server Commands[edit | edit source]

These commands can only be executed on the server. Some can only be executed before loading a savegame. If you are on the client, and are an administrator, you can execute these commands on the server by prepending `rcon` in your console, or put them in your autoexec.cfg. ANY commands not in the autoexec will be deleted upon server restart.

Modding[edit | edit source]

loadmod<workshopID> (<workshopID>..)Loads a mod by its workshop ID. You can specify multiple mods by separating ids with whitespace.
  • You should never remove a workshop mod unless you are prepared to wipe, as doing so mid-save often results in broken save states. To remove a workshop mod, simple delete the loadmod entry from your autoexec when you wipe your server.
  • Adding workshop mods mid-wipe is somewhat less risky, however always make sure you have a recent backup of your save state before trying. as there is a couple of instances of this, too, corrupting save states.
  • This is for STEAM WORKSHOP mods ONLY, not oxide mods.
loadmod 714026119 704019543
ignoresharedenvironmentTells the server to not load the shared environment. Use this command to speed up connection times and reduce memory usage, if you aren't using any in-built assets in your map. NOTE THAT THIS INCLUDES ANY WORKSHOP MOD!!! You can not use this if you use any workshop mods (loadmod 12345)ignoresharedenvironment
bakenavmeshAttempts to bake out a navmesh for the current level. Use for creating navmeshes for custom maps.bakenavmesh

CVARS[edit | edit source]

Hurtworld For Mac

Hurt World For Mac Download

Networking[edit | edit source]

Hurtworld Machine Wrench

Save Management[edit | edit source]

autobackupinterval<seconds>Sets how often the server should backup its autosaveautobackupinterval 7200
wipeinterval<seconds>Sets the server wipe schedule, as displayed in the server browser, in seconds. A negative value will show no wipe. The value is the number of seconds, from when the save was created to when you will wipe.wipeinterval 1209600
autosaveenabled<value>Sets whether to autosave the server.autosaveenabled 0
savepath<path>Sets where the save file for the server will go. By default this is the same location as the executable.savepath 'C:/MySaveFolder/'

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

playerlootmode<value>Sets the player loot mode for the server.
  1. Drop nothing ever (playerlootmode 0)
  2. Drop backpack only (playerlootmode 1)
  3. Drop backpack, and use infamy (playerlootmode 2)
  4. Drop everything (playerlootmode 3)
  5. Destroy everything (playerlootmode 4)
playerlootmode 3
spawncooldown<speed> <value>Sets how spawn cooldown works. The <speed> parameter is how quickly spawn times fall back down to 10 seconds. The <value> is how much the spawn time increases upon deathspawncooldown -0.1 10
stakedeauthtime<seconds>Sets the time in seconds a full ownership stake will take to deauthorise.stakedeauthtime 7200

Structures and Construction[edit | edit source]

creativemode<bool>Turn creative mode on and off (free build). Value as 0 for off, 1 for on.creativemode 1
structurecomplexitylimit<category> <value>Sets the build limit for structures - basically how many polygons a building can be in a single cell. The categories are:

0 = Structures (default=50,000), 1 = Machines (default=200), 2 = Plants (default=25)

  • Setting this too high may induce excessive lag on a highly populated server which has many structures
structurecomplexitylimit 0 50000
structureframepacketlimit<value>This is a throttle on how many packets the initial structure sync will use per frame. Increase this if players take too long to download the structures on your server. Decrease this if you notice lag when players are connecting. The default value is 200.
  • The default value is usually fine. Adjusting either higher or lower seems to only have negative results both ways.
structureframepacketlimit 200
structuredecayenabled<bool>Turn structure decay on and off.structuredecayenabled 1
structuredecayfrequency<seconds>How often a structure will be damaged by decay. Low values may have a performance impact. Default is 600.structuredecayfrequency 600
structuredecaydamage<damage> OR <minDamage> <maxDamage>How much damage will be done when a structure decays. If you give one value, the damage is set to that value. If you give two, it will be a range between those two values. Default is 5 - 10.structuredecaydamage 5 10
structuredecaymodifytime<seconds>How long a structure must be both unclaimed and unmodified, before it begins to decay. Default is 24 hours.structuredecaymodifytime 86400

Chat[edit | edit source]

Hurt World For Mac Download

chatspambudget<value>Sets the chat spam filter threshold. Lower values mean players will be muted sooner. Default value is 500.chatspambudget 200
chatconnectionmessagesenabled<value>Sets whether the server displays connection/disconnection messages.chatconnectionmessagesenabled 0
chatdeathmessagesenabled<value>Sets whether the server displays death messages.chatdeathmessagesenabled 0
mute<steamID> <seconds>Mutes the given player for the given amount of time.mute 76561197968052866 600
unmute<steamID>Unmutes the given player.

Hurtworld Mac 10

Performance[edit | edit source]

loadbalancerframebudget<value>Sets how many resources the Loadbalancer can use per frame. The default is 100. Increase this number if you have high server FPS but slowupdate cycle rates.

Below is how you might improve performance using this command. It is not dangerous to your save state, however may provide variable results, or even no result at all.

  • It is good idea to increase this, testing it in increments however it does require a server restart to take effect. You can't just do it in in-game console.
  • In console, use the command 'serverstatus' and make sure your load balancer cycle rate is always above 1.0, especially once your server becomes populated server and has many structures. CHECK DAILY to make sure the cycle rate has not fallen below 1.0. If it does, then it's time to raise the loadbalancerframebudget again.
  • Don't worry about the second 'average' cycle rate. This is none of our concern.
  • You can also see your server's average fps with serverstatus. If you see it drop too much, your loadbalanceframebudget arg is set too high.
  • If you have a high performance server you may find it extremely useful to increase this to 10000 or more
  • You may see significant lag/ping improvements by increasing this setting, however - results may vary greatly depending on hardware, server configuration, build limits, what kind of loot and spawn tables your server has, and many other factors. There is always a limit. If you have any unresolved issues using this just go back to default.
  • Depending on hardware, server configuration, build limits, what kind of loot and spawn tables your server has, and many other factors - it may be impossible to get the desired cycle rate. You may find that you have to compromise a bit in other areas that affect how much you are stressing Hurtworld's current capabilities.
  • It seems that values above 30000 are either ineffective or start having negative results on frame and cycle rates, even on a high performance server.
loadbalancerframebudget 100
targetfps<value>Sets the target fps for a server. A negative value will make this unlimited
  • For most servers, it is not recommended to have unlimited targetfps. 80 to 120 seems to be the way to go. This does not always mean a player will max out at the chosen frames.
targetfps -1
monitorloadbalancer<bool>Use to debug and see what is taking up time in the Load Balancer. After enabling monitoring, wait 1 minute and then run the `dumploadbalancer` command. Do not leave this enabled, as it has significant overhead.monitorloadbalancer 1
spawnercellupdatesperframe<value>Determines how much time spawners can take. If you think the spawner is running too slowly and players aren't getting the spawns you would expect, try increasing this number. Default is 10.spawnercellupdatesperframe 10

Vehicles[edit | edit source]

vehicledecaytime<seconds>How fast an unclaimed vehicle will despawn. Default is 3 hours.vehicledecaytime 14400

Items List V2 : Soon ![edit | edit source]

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